Facebook: A Simple Guide about Who Visits or Views Your Profile

Who visits my facebook profie
Jan 16, 2024 Reading time : 9 min

Disclaimer: The information given in this blog is for the sole purpose of educating the audience and spreading awareness about how you can check who views your Facebook profile or page. You should steer clear of apps and websites that offer help in checking who views or visits your profile.

Social media websites and privacy concerns have been the highlight reel of the past decade. Tons of social media platforms have received heavy criticism and it was no different for the uncrowned king of social media platforms, Facebook.

Facebook has been the center of many controversies, the majority of which always focused on data breaches and how the FB privacy policy was not intact anymore, which stirred the digital world at times. 

While most people think of the privacy policies as a bliss, others are quite stubborn and persuasive in demanding a feature that can answer the questions “can you see who looks at your Facebook profile” or “can you see who views your Facebook profile” since most of the people are interested in keeping tabs on others for no reason in particular. 

Although you can see simple things like who views your Facebook videos or photos, one cannot check who checks his or her profile which is why we will be talking about what all this is about and how can you enjoy and make the best out of the services that are available to you on Facebook.

How To Check Who Views Your Facebook Profile With Relative Ease?

As much as the people’s favorite social media site has been at the top for a while, it has always received heavy criticism for ending up in debates regarding the privacy of users. The social media sensation has been accused of sharing personal data with third-party clients on numerous occasions, which in turn overshadows everything else.

To add to the list of these controversies, the platform has added another feature that has become the talk of the town. You can now see who visits your profile with the help of the “who views my Facebook profile?” or “who visited my Facebook?” feature.

It may come as a sign of relief to many people but for a platform that is completely against sharing information with users; this comes off as a risky and bold move. However, users have claimed that the people who have an IOS device can access this feature for the time being.

So for those who are privileged enough to see who looked at their Facebook? 

Steps To See Who Looked At My Facebook Profile?

  • Click on the three lines at the bottom after you have opened the drop-down menu.
  • From there, click on the privacy shortcuts option that is at the bottom as well.
  • Next, you can see the “who viewed my Facebook Profile” just below the privacy checkup option.
Steps To See Who Looked At My Facebook Profile

These steps can help you to see who viewed your profile but since the option does not appear anymore which leads to the fact that Facebook has taken this feature down. This came as a surprise to many while it was a relief to the others.

Ways to See Who Viewed Your Profile That Puts Your Data at Risk

Now as we know that there are no official ways that can help us on how to see who views your Facebook profile, which is why we will be talking about the third-party apps and clients who claim that they can help you to know how to see who looks at your Facebook page but make sure of the fact that Facebook has always maintained its stand about maintaining the privacy of the users who visit or views their profile.

According to the official statement “the API of Facebook application does not grant developers access to data nor do they in any way offer a feature or an application for this narrative on their official website or mobile application respectively.”

So, what should we do when we see apps that claim that they can help us to see who views your Facebook profile as there are no proven and safe methods to check who visits your profile?


There is no official way known or provided by Facebook to see who views your Facebook profile. The third-party apps that claim that they can help you to visit your Facebook profile are not safe and it is advised for you to steer clear and to never download apps of such kind unless you do not want your data on the internet. 

It is highly likely that they will ask for your password along with other details and then sell your data to a different third party.

Cons of Sharing Your Details with Third-Party Sources

Once you permit to view your data to a third party, it allows them access to your friends’ data, a process that is famously known as data harvesting in general terms. 

This can also lead to your Facebook account getting hacked which is why you need to make sure that you report these illegal apps.

Simple Steps to Report an Application on Facebook

  • Click on the settings and privacy option by clicking on the drop-down menu from the top-right corner of your screen. 
  • From there, click on the Settings option.
  • You will then see the apps and websites that are on the left column of your screen.
  • Next, select the app that you want to report and then send suitable feedback.

While there are no safe and precise methods, one method that has been on the rise is by viewing the page source code and then searching for the “InitialChatFriendsList”. 

Simple Steps To Report An Application On Facebook - 1
Simple Steps To Report An Application On Facebook - 1

This simply shows you the profile numbers but there is no sure way to verify that the number represents the people who view your profile as they can also be the people whom you talk with quite often or it can also resemble the conversation list of your profile.

All-in-all it is better to report such scams instead of giving up your details in hopes of getting to know who visits your profile?

Why Does Not Facebook Want You To Know Who Stalks You Or Who Views Your Profile Regularly?

There are plenty of reasons as to why the famous question “is there a way to see who views your Facebook” remains unanswered. Part of the reason is that if the platform wanted to, they would have gone for something similar to that of LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn has a feature that comes with its premium subscription that allows the users to know who visits their profile. This feature simply violates the foremost priority of Facebook, which is to offer maximum privacy to the users.

Think of it like this, would you go around stalking an individual if knew that at the end of the day they will know that you visited their profile. No, which is exactly why since most of the people today are more interested in the lives of others.

If this feature were to come, it would cause a lot of trouble which will eventually lead to the firm losing a good amount of revenue along with their hard-earned goodwill.

Things That You Can Check or View On Facebook Legally

So, instead of worrying about the things that you cannot do, you should shift your focus to things that you can still do on Facebook. Given below are a few things that you can check without having to worry about your data or your friends.

1. See Friendships On Facebook

See Friendships On Facebook

Facebook lets you see all of the interactions that you have had with a particular friend just by going to their profile. You simply need to click on the three dots that are on the top right corner of your screen and then click on the “see friendship” option. 

This option will simply give you all the details, how many photos you two have together, how long have you been friends with that person, your posts, and many others.

2. View Complete Activity

View Facebook Complete Activity

The platform lets you see every activity that you did with time, be it your posts, your interaction with your friends, or groups, etc. You can simply click on the three icons to select the activity log option.

This gives you great detail of what you have done on Facebook such as interactions, about your friends, searches made by you, your reactions, likes, and so on. You can use the filters given on the left menu to get the job done.

  • You can review the tags on your post
  • You can review the posts that you are tagged in

3. Check Who Views Your Facebook Page

In case you have a page or a couple of pages on Facebook, you can see who visits it or views it, something that you cannot do in the case of your profile. You can simply go to your Facebook page and then click on the left where you will find the insights option.

It will offer you a lot of useful information about your page that includes

  • Pageviews
  • Page likes
  • Page previews
  • Actions on the page
  • Post reach
  • Post engagement
  • Story reach

Make note of the fact that insights will only tell you the name of those who view your Facebook page, although it gives you a good idea as to how many visitors you are getting on this page.


Facebook does not let you check who views your profile but you can still acquire quite useful information about your Facebook page. You should stay away from apps and websites that offer help in checking who stalks or visits you as they are completely pointless and only intend to steal and sell your information to another third party. There is no safe way on how to check who looks at your Facebook profile.

Senior Writer, Editor, and Copywriter with a total of 7 years of experience in the niche of emails, troubleshooting, and social media. She writes and manages a team of 10 senior writers.