Medical Apps for Doctors: Functional Overview

Medical Apps for Doctors
Jan 3, 2024 Reading time : 9 min

The last two decades have been breakthroughs in the field of mobile apps for doctors. The rapid advance of technology has not only affected the style and programmability of these mobile devices, but it has improved their functionality as well. For example, before the introduction of smartphones and other advanced mobile devices, most portable digital devices were memory-based with a minimal capacity for storing data or even running large programs.

In terms of curation, mobile apps for doctors have been gaining momentum and last year reached a record-breaking number: 16,954 apps on Google Play with 603,000 total downloads, 548 apps on the App Store with 150,000 total downloads. Apart from numbers, we consider it very important to pay attention to what functionalities these apps provide. 

As due it, a healthcare software development company can help improve the way physicians interact with patients, colleagues, and various health systems. Several companies develop software apps for the Healthcare sector to easily manage and access appointments, medical records, and patient data, using a mobile device.

Also, Read: Eat Healthy With 3 User-friendly Calorie Counting Apps

Therefore, we want to introduce an overview of medical apps for doctors in this article: 

Functional Overview of Top Medical Apps for Doctors


Medscape is the world’s most trusted source of medical and drug information.

Medscape is a leading resource for doctors and other healthcare professionals, with over 17 million visitors per month. 

Medscape is a free service that physicians can use to access the latest medical news and research, as well as comprehensive content on diseases, drugs, procedures, webcasts, and more. Medscape has over 20 years of experience providing doctors with the information they need to make informed decisions about patient care. The Medscape portfolio also includes an international network of hospitals and clinics; proprietary software for PC and mobile devices; interactive clinical education products; a consulting business; and a media business that publishes six magazines for physicians worldwide, including The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

Figure 1

The app uses a variety of sensors to measure the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure, as well as their temperature and weight. The patient can also upload their electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalography (EEG) data to the app, which helps doctors evaluate their condition in real-time.

The app is designed to help doctors make better diagnoses by providing them with real-time patient data while they are examining patients face-to-face. It is also used by doctors who work remotely or in areas with limited access to healthcare professionals, such as rural areas or developing countries.


UpToDate is an evidence-based content resource for healthcare professionals. It offers a comprehensive compilation of current clinical information on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases, as well as related topics in inpatient care. The content is based on medical literature. UpToDate provides its clients with access to the complete clinical knowledge base; it gives them the ability to search for specific topics or conditions, or browse by organ system or drug class. UpToDate also provides a clinical decision support tool that helps clinicians provide evidence-based answers to questions from patients and their families.

UpToDate has been helping healthcare professionals make better decisions since 1990 — when it was launched by two physicians who recognized that around-the-clock access to relevant information was essential for modern practice. Since then, UpToDate has grown into the most widely used clinical decision support resource in the world, with over 650,000 subscribers in more than 150 countries.

Medical Terminologies 

The Medical Terminologies Guide is a tool used by medical professionals to help them look up the correct term for their patients. It contains over 10,000 terms and definitions that can be searched by keyword or group of keywords. It’s very easy to use, as all you need to do is type your search query into the search bar at the top of the page and click on any of the suggested terms.

The best part about this app is that it’s free! You don’t have to pay anything to get access to all of the features, which is great if you’re just starting out in medicine and want to learn more about what you’ll be doing every day at work. 


The SonoSupport app is a mobile app for medical professionals. This app is designed to be a central support tool for all of your ultrasound and endoscopy procedures.

The app was developed by Drs. Steven Smith, Arthur Tse, and Simon Ho are all board-certified in Diagnostic Radiology. They created this app because they felt that there were no adequate tools for radiologists to perform their daily tasks.

Their main goal was to create an application that would help them with their jobs while also being easy to use and navigate through all the information they needed on a daily basis.

The application is currently only available on iOS devices and not yet available on Android phones, however, they are working on creating an Android version as well if you’re interested in using this app!


Isabel is a comprehensive, advanced natural language processing engine that can be used to parse clinical documents. It is currently being used by the UCSF department of psychiatry for diagnostic coding and by researchers at Stanford University for semantic analysis of medical records. Isabel has been used in several commercial products including IBM Watson Health, Google Cloud Natural Language API, Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Service, and Amazon Lex.

Isabel was designed to be able to handle medical documents written in English, French, and Japanese. It can parse sentences with both single and multiple entities (e.g., a patient’s name, address, gender) and extract information about their relationships with each other (e.g., age of the patient). Isabel also provides a set of language models that can be used for sentiment analysis or part-of-speech tagging.

Complete Anatomy

Complete Anatomy is the ultimate training tool for students and practicing physicians alike. It features high-resolution 3D models of all human body systems, as well as detailed anatomy information. This app allows users to search by anatomical structure, organ system, or body region. The app also provides quizzes and flashcards to help you study for your next test or final exam.

Complete Anatomy is a free app that contains high-quality images of the human body from head to toe. It was designed for medical students, but can be used by anyone who wants to learn about anatomy. The app is divided into three main sections:

Anatomy: This section contains a full-body diagram with all the major organs and bones labeled.

Explanations: This section provides more detailed information about each part of the body.

Diagnosis: This section uses quizzes to test your knowledge of anatomy and physiology.


The Medee app is a mobile medical application that works on both Android and iPhone devices. The application helps doctors and nurses to manage their patients’ medical records. The app is designed for doctors who want to make sure their patients get the best treatment possible, by providing them with all the necessary information about their health status in real-time.

The Medee app allows you to create a history of each patient’s visits and keep track of the treatments given. It also allows you to have access to your patient’s medical record at any time, wherever you are. You can share this information with other doctors in case they need it while they are treating your patient or if they have questions about their condition.

Airway Ex Virtual Surgery Simulator  

Virtual surgery simulator is a prototype of the new generation of surgical simulators. It was developed in collaboration with the Department of Surgery at the Medical University of Warsaw and is based on real-time image processing and 3D graphics technologies. It allows performing surgical procedures using virtual reality glasses.

The simulator allows students to learn about basic principles of surgery as well as advanced surgical techniques. It also helps them to improve their skills in this field.

Airway Ex Virtual Surgery Simulator allows performing tracheostomy, laryngectomy, or cricothyroidotomy in a virtual operating room setting. The system includes two main modules: a patient simulator and a surgeon’s console. The patient simulator consists of a mannequin head with realistic anatomy, as well as a mannequin neck which can be moved independently from each other. The surgeon’s console includes an ultrasound probe which allows viewing anatomy during surgery by scanning it with ultrasound waves.


This app was developed by the Geneva University Hospitals and is available for free on Google Play and iTunes. The app is designed to help doctors, nurses and paramedics administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to patients suffering from cardiac arrest. CPR is an emergency procedure performed in an effort to restore normal blood circulation and breathing after cardiac arrest. The app provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform CPR, including instructions on chest compressions, ventilation, and rescue breaths.

The Resuscitation App can be used in two ways: as a quick reference guide or as a training tool. Quick reference mode allows users to search for specific information they need with their fingertips while they are performing CPR. They can also access the latest updates on treatment guidelines and evidence-based practices in resuscitation medicine. Training mode provides interactive scenarios where users can practice their skills before using them in real-life situations. 


Medical Apps are becoming more and more popular, and today’s physicians look forward to using them. A near future is coming where we see their use as standard procedure. What do you think about Medical Apps for doctors? Can you think of examples where a medical app will improve your work or the provision of care for patients? Would you want to share an app with us?

Louise Simon
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Louise Simon
