Eyes Expansion After Successful $25m Series A

Cartcom raises
Jan 3, 2024 Reading time : 5 min, a Houston-based provider of e-commerce services, has completed a Series A round of 25m mercury fund arsenal financing which was sponsored by Houston venture capital firms.

Arsenal Growth Equity and Mercury Fund took the lead in the financing in this round. Scarlet Venture Fund and Moonshots Capital have also contributed money to the round. The business, which has three Texas facilities and one in Arizona, has raised $45 million to date. Eyes Expansion 

The money from 25m series mercury arsenal, which totals over $45M and is the second round in five months, will support even more.

The money will be used, according to, to increase consumer demand, make strategic hiring, and speed up expansion as an eCommerce services provider.

This blog post will cover every detail that is important for you to understand about the 25m series fund growth round.

A Brief About Logo was established in 2020 in Houston with the aim of delivering end-to-end e-commerce solutions. It provides a completely owned, integrated suite of business software, services, and infrastructure to scale enterprises online. 

Omair Tariq, a former Home Depot executive and COO of, serves as CEO of the business, and Jim Jacobsen, a co-founder and previous CEO of RTIC Outdoors, serves as the executive chairman. 

Tariq and Jacobsen founded to assist companies of all sizes in expanding their e-commerce capabilities more easily than the fragmented plug-in and vendor-intensive approach currently available. 

They were motivated by the gaps they observed across the e-commerce value chain as they built and grew e-commerce brands to nine-figure household names to focus on startup profitability.

Jacobsen shared the vision of through a news release where he said, “We know the pain points that the brands face in the e-commerce value chain because we have experienced them firsthand. We built to solve those problems and deliver unequaled value for brands from a single platform.”

Since their November 2020 start, they have rapidly expanded and changed how brands conduct themselves online, and 25m series fund arsenal is a new feather in their cap.

They have the tested tools and technology to help you outwit, outperform, and surpass your competitors. No matter how big, how tiny, or just plain bizarre your business is. 25m series fund arsenal will help provide small businesses with much-improved tech solutions.

Solutions Provided By

Solutions provided by 25m series fund growth will support the platform in improving their business solutions. Here is the list of amazing solutions provided by

With a feature-rich platform that allows endless customization, 100+ integrations, multi-store administration, and advanced product and customer management, you can adapt your storefront to the particular requirements of your company. 

It supports the integration of all facets of your brand’s consumer interactions for streamlined interactions across all channels. 

Increased brand exposure, increased website traffic, increased user engagement, and improved client relationships for your company with the help of growth marketing.

Expand, manage, and optimize your product listings across more than 2,000 advertising, social media, and retail channels, as well as the top marketplaces in the globe. can handle the choosing, packing, shipping, and storage, leaving you free to concentrate on creating a brand identity for small businesses as well as large enterprises. 

By removing data from silos and streamlining it, Cart’s Unified Analytics can make your e-commerce strategies actionable.

These are some top-notch solutions that are delivered by cart com with its expertise in multichannel businesses. Further, let’s collect some information about the company’s vision after the 25m series mercury fund.

Vision After 25m Series Mercury Fund

Present-day e-commerce options favor service providers above brands. is on a mission to change that dynamic and give sellers control over their online business and customer relationships once again, and 25m series fund arsenal will support this mission.

The money from 25m series fund arsenal will help the business expand to accommodate rising client demand and bring on fresh personnel. 

According to the press release, has an aggressive growth strategy. The company has already acquired five companies, including 

1. Storefront software provider AmeriCommerce,

2. Another company that provides fulfillment services across the nation,

3. A company that sells storage supplies, and 

4. Two digital marketing agencies.

Conclusion enables retail brands to effortlessly and quickly scale their businesses and sell through every channel in order to increase sales and reach customers. 

By delivering the same extensive e-commerce capabilities that were previously only available to the biggest enterprise players, the company’s software and services level the playing field.

I hope that this new 25m series fund arsenal may help them to bring out more helpful products for small and medium-scale businesses and manage different types of funds.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Mercury Fund?

An early-stage venture financing platform called Mercury looks for revolutionary software firms with outstanding founders in localities all throughout America. 

Mercury’s operationally-focused venture investing strategy has helped firms develop quickly and sustainably, generating over $9 billion in value to date.

What is Arsenal Growth Equity?

Arsenal is a private equity and venture capital business that offers growth funding to rapidly expanding software startups. It focuses on making investments in healthcare and industrial growth firms.

What kind of business is cart com?

Cart com is one of the leading providers of unified commerce software, logistics, and expertise for multichannel businesses.

Is publicly traded?

No, Cart com is a privately held company and does not publicly trade on NYSE or NASDAQ in the U.S.

Alex Jones
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Alex Jones


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