Digital Project Manager Salary in the USA

Digital Project Manager
Nov 18, 2022 Reading time : 6 min

Becoming an expert in project management is likely to be a digital project manager. Digital project management, in clear terms, means getting projects delivered quickly and efficiently in the digital space. Today, digital products give you an instant report on the customer experience, speeding your capability and ability to create appropriate product enhancements and stay ahead of your competition. 

What is the Role of Digital Project Managers? 

The role of a digital project manager is to hold unique skill sets to be digitally aligned to the needs of each organization. Digital project manager certification will give you a clear perspective on why to move forward on a project, what technologies and tools could be used to complete it, and how to craft a budget, timelines, and deliverables.

  • Digital might mean measured in numbers, and then many things are digital in PM, e.g., the budget amount, work hours, duration days, size of the team, etc.
  • Digital might mean software tools you use on the project. MS Project or Basecamp, Wrike, or Changepoint might be examples here.
  • Digital might be the subject of the project. You can be building an artificial intelligence-driven robot, for example, or developing a digital transformation strategy for your business.

What Skills are Required to be a Digital Project Manager? 

Content and Editing Skills 

Content is and has always been king. Being able to write and edit will make you an invaluable member of your team. Time is super scarce. No matter how many people are on your team, whether it’s a brief for a designer, a blog post for the agency, or an email to a client, writing skills are crucial, as are editing skills. 

Have you ever seen designers try to write? It’s not pretty (usually). An excellent digital project manager should be able to transform the words of a designer or developer into something compelling and readable.

Vendor Relationships and Strategic Partnerships

Managing external vendors and freelancers is an art form in itself. Sometimes you can’t handle everything in-house due to specific skill limitations or simple bandwidth issues. Having the ability to seek out and qualify vendors is a great skill, and having a Rolodex of people is even better.

Knowledge of Modern Technologies and Emerging Platforms

Understanding the possibilities of what can be done is integral to a project manager’s job. Being a project manager in the age of digital means you need to be up to speed on all elements of technology, from API to SaaS platforms.

Social Media 

Everyone is trying to build a social presence — be it a Facebook page and Twitter profile or a full-blown stack of social properties. Understanding the various platforms for publishing and managing social media is an invaluable skill to have. Project managers need to know content limitations and what is possible for the various platforms. 

Many people use additional tools for social media ranging from Hootsuite and Tweet Deck to more enterprise software like Radiance or Simooms. Understanding these tools is helpful, but genuinely impactful project managers will know, which means they prefer

What is the Average Digital Project Manager’s Pay Scale in a Country Like the US?

Research suggests the average salary of a digital project manager in a country like the US is $68,855. But, the digital project manager’s salary in the USA flies between $30,000 to $90,000, according to their experience. Compensation is based on 510 employees hired as digital project managers in the USA. 

The US data shows a steady increase in salary based on years of experience.

  • Entry-level (0-5 years of experience) – – $50,000 based on 28 salaries 
  • Mid-level or mid-career (5-10 years of experience) – $61,000 based on 335 salaries.
  • Experienced (10-15 years of experience) – $83,000 based on 155 salaries.
  • Late career (above 20 years) – $89,799. 

What is the Salary Range of Digital Project Managers by Location in the USA? 

Employees with Digital Project Manager in their job title in San Francisco, California, earn an average of 33.1% more than the national average. These job titles also find higher than average salaries in New York, New York (13.1% more), and Chicago, Illinois (5.1% more). The lowest salaries can be found in Minneapolis, Minnesota (15.3% less), Denver, Colorado (14.3% less), and Los Angeles, California (4.0% less).

This arises with knowledge from which university you have done the course or gained the perfect expertise. The digital project manager certification course is essential to reach the CEO, and Simplilearn guarantees that you pursue the best-advanced course for all the aspirants out there aimed to pursue this course. 

Simplilearn online Bootcamp is the world’s number one, with more than 15 courses available. E-learning is a new form of learning. Digital is based online, gearing up new technologies and techniques; this is the perfect chance to enroll and join us. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Project Manager Salary in the USA (FAQ)

What are the skills that affect digital project manager salaries? 

  • Microsoft project by 38%
  • Business analysis by 29%
  • Team management by 15% 
  • Strategic project management by 7%
  • Product management by 2% 

What determines the salary of a digital project manager?

How much a digital project manager can depend upon several critical factors such as:

  • Level of education
  • Experience 
  • Management skills 
  • Team size 
  • Region 
  • Company’s industry. 

What do I need to know to move from Project Manager to Digital Project Manager?

Digital can encompass multiple mediums. For the most part, it is essential to have an excellent grasp of the development lifecycle of banners, mobile apps, and websites.

Additionally, it would be best to understand the process and associated activities, from requirements gathering and specifications to user experience, UI design and animation, development, QA, and many more. 

Also, specific areas of expertise in related fields can be beneficial, i.e., if you have a background in animation, analytics, SEO, social, etc. 

Wrapping Up     

At the end of the article, you might have an overview of the USA-based digital project manager’s salary and how vital a digital project manager is.

Zayn Tindall
Posted by
Zayn Tindall
